Battleship Texas

Remember the American servicemen and women who risked their lives during the two world wars at this grand memorial.

The last surviving US Navy vessel that fought in both world wars, the Battleship TEXAS (also called the BB-35) served between 1914 and 1948. It’s the only American battleship that travelled to and saw combat in Europe, the Pacific and Africa in World War II, and covered a staggering million kilometres in her years of service.

The Battleship TEXAS sits in the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic site, just a short drive from the centre of Houston. The ship is remarkably well preserved, with the radio room, engines, guns, steering rooms and living and eating areas all restored to look as they did in 1945. Take a self-guided tour through the vessel to walk the decks, explore the interior and see the massive anti-aircraft guns.

From October to May the site runs a Hard Hat Guided Tour, which allow visitors to get a deeper insight into the history of the battleship. The tour will take you to parts of the ship that aren’t normally open to visitors, and give more detailed explanations about life in the Navy at that time.

The Battleship TEXAS is facing a different kind of enemy these days, as it is beginning to leak and is badly in need of restoration. It is not unusual for the entire ship to be closed while repairs are carried out and holes are mended. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Trust has been working with volunteers on an ongoing restoration project to ensure the ship stays open to the public. A percentage of the entrance fee goes towards the restoration efforts, so the more visitors to the site, the better!

Give yourself the time to explore the area surrounding the site, including the San Jacinto Monument and Battleground where Texans fought for their independence.

The Battleship TEXAS is open every day and there is free parking available. It’s located about thirty minutes from downtown Texas.