Dalaguete Church

Learn the intriguing history of this impressive coastal church that has a range of architectural designs and works of art.

With its Spanish tiles and European design, Dalaguete Church (San Guillermo de Aquitania Parish Church) is a reminder of the region’s rich history. It was completed in the early 1800s and has Baroque and Rococo touches. Capture photos of the church’s charming white façade, marked by a light brown wooden portal at its center.

Speak with the caretakers, clergy and docents for a greater understanding of the history and context behind the church. Ask for a tour of the historic church and its surroundings. It served as a shelter for the locals later in the 1800s, protecting them from Moro attacks.

Gaze up at the intricate design of the ceiling, which mirrors the color scheme of lime and pink covering the interior walls. Admire the black-and-white checkered floor pattern and the elaborate altar with its religious figures and carvings. Stroll under the wooden covered walkway on the second floor and note the European influences. Certain slabs on the walls are made from coral harvested from reefs near the island.

Visit the shrine outside the church that also dates back several centuries. Admire the carved depictions of swords, skulls and other details. Relax on the grass by the church entrance and enjoy a picnic in its shadow. Beside the church is a three-story octagonal belfry, which was built several decades after the construction of the main building.

Note that the religious structure has been renovated many times over the centuries. Visitors are allowed to walk their dogs inside this holy building.

Dalaguete Church overlooks the Cebu Strait in the southeastern part of the town on the eastern flank of Cebu. Get a bus to Dalaguete from the Cebu South Bus Terminal and reach the church via taxi. Visit nearby attractions, such as Dalaguete Beach, the Dalaguete Municipal Hall and Obong Spring.