Kuala Lumpur Bird Park

Learn about endangered species, catch an exciting bird show and maybe even make some feathered friends at this fascinating bird park.

Nestled amidst the serenity of the city’s Lake Gardens, the colourful Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is one of the largest free-flight aviaries in the world. Divided into four areas and spanning 8.5 hectares of sprawling valley, this pioneering park is home to over 200 species of native and exotic birds. The avian paradise has consistently drawn visitors from far and wide and, with the amount of fun and entertainment on offer here, it’s easy to see why.For many, the main attraction is the walk-in aviary in the free-flight zone where different species of birds are free to swoop, soar and mingle with visitors. You're unlikely to miss the ostentatious Indian blue peacock strutting his stuff but be careful not to trip over the pheasants as they plod about.The adjacent Brahminy Land is home to a fantastic collection of brahminy kites. A popular bird of prey in Malaysia, these dignified creatures are noted for their chestnut-brown plumage and snow-white heads. While in this area, don’t miss the exciting eagle-feeding show which takes place every afternoon. This is a great opportunity to safely observe the natural feeding habits of these spectacular birds of prey.Keep an eye out for the ambling tortoise as you make your way through winding walks and tropical foliage en route to the Flamingo Pond. Here, visitors can admire these graceful wading birds as they cool off beneath the sparkling waterfall. In the Love Aviary, take a peep at the monogamous Indian ring-necked parakeets who never seem to tire of each other’s company. Other species that share this space include the vibrant Eastern rosella and adorable sun conures.View seven different varieties of majestic hornbill at Hornbill Park before making your way to the colourful and noisy World of Parrots. Home to an array of friendly macaws, playful cockatoos and busy parakeets, the little ones will be delighted by these adorable characters. Nearby, the picturesque Waterfall Aviary is home to the protected milky stork and is a great spot to take some memorable photos. It’s worth noting that this park has been lauded for its successful breeding programmes, which incorporate many species of birds including the emu, African grey parrot and the yellow-billed stork.Getting this close to nature is always a magical experience so, whatever your particular itinerary, make sure the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is at the top of the list.