Dolphin Reef

Seeing animals in their habitat can leave a strong impression for all age groups. Interact with dolphins in a unique way at this marine attraction.

Dolphin Reef in Eilat provides a unique perspective for seeing these marine mammals because the dolphins here make the initial encounter with humans instead of the usual opposite approach. The organization believes this method instills a higher level of respect for animals. Interact with dolphins that choose to visit the reef to have social encounters with humans. Here any physical contact has to be initiated by the marine mammals.

Unlike other attractions that have dolphins perform trained circus acts to be rewarded with treats, Dolphin Reef uses social interaction as the reward for both species. Experience an unconditional encounter between dolphins and humans at this extraordinary attraction. A pen keeps the dolphins in the reef area, but a gate is opened regularly to the open sea, allowing the mammals to decide whether to go or stay.

Try having interactions from floating piers and observation points or in the water through guided swims or dives. Younger family members who are accompanied by an adult can participate in this unique human-animal interaction. Dolphin Reef also offers an innovative long-term program for children with special needs, in which the dolphins and their trainers provide therapeutic and rehabilitative measures.

Spend an entire day at Dolphin Reef and include some time on the sandy beach. Reserve a deep relaxation session in Dolphin Reef’s botanical garden pools while listening to gentle waterfalls and underwater music. Specialized staff members provide individual attention to create a stress-free experience. The same unhurried feel also applies to the organization’s eating and drinking areas, with complimentary menu items offered at the popular Beach Bar Restaurant.

Discover this unique attraction and its fascinating list of activities while visiting Eilat. Appreciate the experience of dolphins inviting humans to socialize. Dolphin Reef has an entrance fee and is open most days. An adult must accompany children under 15 years of age.