
Frankfurt’s leaders have met in this town hall since the 16th century. Visit to soak up the history and see snippets of daily life today.

Frankfurt’s City Council has met in the same building since 1405. Today the complex stretches across an entire block of gabled townhouses; however, the original Römer still stands. The iconic Frankfurt building marks the centre of the Old Town.

The Römer, or Town Hall, is one of the most recognisable buildings in Frankfurt thanks to its three-gabled design. It’s a working building so many areas are closed to the public.

Make your way to the second floor to the Kaisersaal. Holy Roman Emperors once dined in this long hall after coronation ceremonies. Stand in the centre of the wood-paneled room and imagine robed and bejewelled emperors feasting on banquets here hundreds of years ago. Their portraits now line the walls. See 52 Roman Emperors, including Franz II. He abdicated the throne and dissolved the empire in 1806. The Kaisersaal is open every day and has an admission fee.

The plaza in front of the Römer has been at the centre of Frankfurt life since the 12th century. Important trade fairs were once held here. Today the Frankfurter Messe, one of the world’s biggest trade fairs, is held in its own exhibition centre elsewhere in the city but the plaza in front of the Town Hall is still a huge part of daily life in Frankfurt.

Walk across the square to admire the Ostzeile (East Row). These half-timbered houses are typical of German architecture. What you see now are reconstructions built in 1980 after the original 15th- and 16th-century houses were destroyed in World War II.

Christmas is a big celebration in Germany and Frankfurt’s annual markets are held in front of the Town Hall. Come in November and December when the plaza fills with market stalls, rides, fairy lights and a huge decorated tree. Drink mulled wine and pick up small gifts to take home.

The Römer is within walking distance of many hotels and attractions. Take the train to the main Altstadt U-Bahn station or drive and park in nearby underground car parks.