Zoo Atlanta

Span the globe at this excellent zoo and experience Asian rainforests, African plains and the country's biggest band of gorillas.

This zoo, one of the oldest in the country, is home to more than 1500 animals and is the best place to take kids in Atlanta. Amazingly, the zoo been around since the late 1800s and was originally made up of a small pack of circus animals. When the show went bust, the animals were saved by a local businessman who donated them to the City of Atlanta. The zoo underwent a multi-million dollar renovation in the 1980s and is still expanding.

At the main entrance, where you can hire a stroller if you need one. Pick up a map to make sure you don't miss any of the animals you particularly want to see. The zoo's landscaping replicates the natural habitats of the more than 200 species of animals, some of which are endangered. Flamingos, elephants and exotic birds can be found near the entrance, and after that, you will reach the African Plains, a 0.8 hectare savannah with lions, warthogs, zebras and endangered black rhinos.

Next door, you’ll find one of the zoo's best known attractions – the band of 20 entertaining gorillas who are kept apart from visitors by a large moat. The oldest primate there is Shamba, who was born in 1959, while the youngest is Andi, who was born in May 2013 and is the 19th gorilla to be born here. Another major attraction is a family of giant pandas kept in the far north corner of the park. The family expanded in July 2013 when Lun Lun gave birth to twins. The cubs are the first giant pandas to be born in the States in 2013 and the first twins since 1987.

There are also regular feeding demonstrations and keeper talks throughout the day. Check the zoo's website for the timetable. Aside from the animals, the zoo has other activities that kids will love, such as a zoo train, rock climbing, a carousel, and a newly added splash pad.

Zoo Atlanta is open every day except Christmas Day and Thanksgiving. There's free parking if you’re coming by car, or Grant's Park is easily accessible by public transport.