Piazza del Duomo

The beating heart of Florence is the perfect place to chill out, surrounded by some of the city’s most breathtaking architectural treasures.

Florence’s famous Piazza del Duomo is a magnet for locals and visitors alike. This historic square, with its roots in the glorious Renaissance, is packed with lively cafés and bars, food stalls and street entertainers, so take time out to sip a cappuccino or snack on a slice of pizza and watch the world go by before heading off to explore the fascinating buildings that line its sides.Most people’s first stop is the cathedral that gives its name to the square. Santa Maria del Fiore’s colourful Neo-Gothic façade of brightly patterned marble is abutted by the soaring bell tower, or Campanile, designed by Giotto. Climb 414 steps to the top of the tower for spectacular bird’s-eye views of Florence and the rolling hills of Tuscany in the far distance.Opposite the Duomo is the 11th-century Baptistery of St John, one of the oldest buildings in the city and a fine example of Florentine Romanesque style. This unusual octagonal-shaped building is especially esteemed for its three sets of bronze doors with relief sculptures depicting scenes from the Bible. The most outstanding is Lorenzo Ghiberti’s set on the east side, which the great Michelangelo himself described as worthy of “the Gates of Paradise”. The original doors were replaced in 1900 by copies to preserve them from further wear and tear, but their intricate craftsmanship can still be admired in the Duomo Works Museum (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo). Here you can also view numerous other important artworks created for the cathedral, including sculptures by Donatello and Michelangelo and cantorial pulpits, or singing-galleries, by Luca della Robbia.Cross the bustling piazza to examine the frescoes, statues and bas-reliefs in the 14th-century Loggia del Bigallo, originally built by the Compagnia della Misericordia (Company of Mercy) as a refuge for abandoned children, now a sheltered spot to escape the Tuscan sun and grab a few tranquil moments before heading off for a well-earned gelato.