Pies Descalzos Park

Take off your shoes and relax in this Zen-inspired oasis decorated with fountains, sandpits and a bamboo forest in the center of Medellin.

The Parque de los Pies Descalzos (Barefoot Park) is an oasis of Zen in the middle of the city where adults relax to the sound of their children playing in fountains. The park consists of a grassy area as well as a large sand pit and fountains. There are well-kept gardens, a bamboo forest and a science museum. As the park’s name suggests, families are encouraged to wander around the park without shoes. It is the ideal spot to rest your aching feet after spending hours visiting the city’s other attractions.

Enjoy a picnic in the tranquil region of the park’s grassy area. Watch your kids playing in the fountain with other local kids. Walk around the fountain’s wet area and feel the cool water against your naked feet. If you plan to get wet, bring a change of clothes. The water is changed daily and cleaned with chlorine. Take the free barefoot guided tour around the park’s grounds to learn about its history and inception. Ask for information about the tour at the park.

Amble through the exotic bamboo garden, which also acts as an excellent shelter if it happens to rain. Take photos that will convince friends back home you ventured into the depths of the jungle. Explore the Interactive Museum EPM, which is an interactive science museum in the park. It contains 22 rooms bursting with technology that is explained through entertaining methods.

The park was inaugurated in 2000. It is an important part of the city’s incentive to provide a carefree, jovial ambience to show how far they have come as a nation from the dark days of the 1980s when drug lords ruled the country.

You can find the Parque de los Pies Descalzos right by the Medellin River in the center of the city. Take the subway to Cisneros, which is a few blocks north of the park. Nearby attractions include Plaza Mayor, an area with temporary exhibitions and bars and cafés, the Medellin Metropolitan Theater and the Maturin Cundinamarca Shopping Center. Take a bus to the stop just outside the park.