Gold Museum

Discover one of the world’s most important exhibitions of pre-Hispanic gold, and learn about the indigenous societies that once inhabited Colombia.

Take a journey back in time at the Gold Museum as you discover a fascinating collection of pre-Hispanic gold and historic artifacts. Learn about Colombia’s indigenous inhabitants and the importance of metalworking in their societies. The museum boasts a collection of some 50,000 artifacts, including more than 30,000 that are gold.

Explore The Working of Metals exhibition on the second floor. Learn how mining, smelting and metalworking were used to create metal objects and pieces of art. On the second floor, the People and Gold exhibition celebrates the use of metals by the ancient societies that ruled pre-Hispanic Colombia. See pottery displays dating from 1500 B.C. to 100 B.C., and a collection of gold masks and jewelry dating from 200 B.C. to A.D. 1200.

The Cosmology and Symbolism exhibition invites you to understand how pre-Hispanic cultures viewed the world. Find displays of handcrafted fauna and flora artifacts, ceremonial crowns, hunting objects, and funerary urns and masks. At The Offering exhibition, see how religion and shamanism played a role in pre-Hispanic societies. A spectacular sound and light show allows you to experience shamanistic rituals and offerings.

Round out your visit in the Exploratorium on the fourth floor, where interactive exhibits bring together the museum’s ethos. Ask about temporary expositions that delve further into the history of pre-Hispanic Colombia, such as the relationship between indigenous cultures and music.

Located just north of Bogotá’s historic La Candelaria district, the Gold Museum is a short walk from major city attractions such as Plaza de Bolívar and the Botero Museum. Public buses and the subway stop close to the museum’s entrance.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday. Admission is free every Sunday, but you should expect large crowds. Adults over 60 and children under 12 can visit free every day. Free guided tours in English are available from Tuesday to Saturday. Find the complete opening hours and tour schedule on the museum’s official website.