
Experience the sights, sounds and mouth-watering smells of Vienna's oldest, largest and most popular food market.

Anyone looking for a culinary experience of note in Austria’s capital should head to the Naschmarkt. This popular market is known to locals as “Vienna's stomach” and it's easy to see why as you stroll among dozens of stalls packed full of food of every variety.Organic cheeses, fresh meat, locally baked bread, seasonal vegetables and every imaginable type of fruit pack the tables and shelves of this charming and bustling market, just crying out to be bought. And if you're peckish as you wander, there is a huge array of outlets selling ready-to-eat meals: everything from local Austrian delicacies to yummy fried snacks.The Naschmarkt's history as a market began in the middle of the 16th century when milk was sold here in wooden buckets. Over the years, local farmers began to set up shop and by 1916 it had become the biggest traditional market in the whole of Vienna with over 120 stalls.Join the crowds of Viennese residents and tourists who crowd the narrow alleys looking for the freshest food the city has to offer at reasonable prices. The exotic fragrances of herbs and spices emanating from the many Turkish and Middle Eastern stalls are bound to get your tastebuds working as they waft through the air.Grab yourself some traditional Austrian wiener schnitzel washed down with a local beer or take your pick from the mouth-watering selection of snacks from around the world including sushi, kebabs, curries and much more.On Saturday mornings the market holds a large flea market so if you're an admirer of antiques, books or 2nd-hand gear of any description, make sure to come down early to grab yourself a bargain.The Naschmarkt is centrally located near Karlsplatz on the Wienzeile (Vienna Row) and stretches for an impressive 1.5 kilometres. It's open every day except for Sundays and the best way to get there is either by public transport or on foot.