Hofburg Imperial Palace

Visit this marvellous array of museums, sumptuous residences and theatres in the historic home of the Habsburgs.

The Hofburg Imperial Palace is a feast for the senses, a perfect opportunity to see the cream of Viennese and international culture amid the luxury of the former Habsburg Empire.Building began in 1275, one year before the removal of King Ottokar II of Bohemia from the throne paved the way for the ascension of the Habsburgs. It would remain in this guise for almost three centuries, but 1533 saw the first of many extensions and alterations, which have given us the enormous, varied structure it is today. Nowadays, the building consists of 18 wings and some 2,000 rooms.Enter via the ornate Baroque gateway into the Michaelerplatz courtyard, where you can admire the imperial apartments with their decadent décor and beautifully crafted furniture.Take in the Sisi Museum, commemorating the famously doomed Empress Elisabeth, wife of Franz Joseph I, who was assassinated. You can follow secret passageways to the awesome Prunksaal showroom in the National Library, or appreciate artworks of the highest international calibre in the fantastic Albertina gallery.Lovers of choral music will delight in the wonderful Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna Boys’ Choir), who perform in the Imperial Chapel, while those with a taste for the indulgent can gaze upon royal jewels, crowns, and even a unicorn’s horn in the Schatzkammer (Treasury) Museum. If you really value the finer things in life, you’re sure to enjoy the dazzling silver collection left by the Habsburg family to the new Austrian republic upon the changeover of power in 1918, or a show in the elegant Winter Riding School.As you will have figured out by now, the number and sheer range of cultural institutions to see here mean that you won’t get a chance to fit everything into one day – a return is highly recommended to take in as much as possible!The Hofburg Imperial Palace is found on Ringstraße in central Vienna, and is easily accessible via public transport. There are different opening times and prices for the various attractions, so you should check the palace website before your visit.