
Stroll around the peaceful 19th-century court gardens of Emperor Franz II and visit monuments and greenhouses that retain the park’s historic charm.

Vienna’s Burggarten encompasses the former court gardens of the Habsburg family, who ruled over their empire from the grand Hofburg Palace. Explore the stately English-style gardens, relax on spacious lawns under the shade of heritage trees and learn about Vienna’s former rulers. Experience the tranquility of the palace gardens, which were opened to the public after the fall of the Habsburg Empire in 1918.

In the early 1800s, a defensive wall surrounded Vienna. Napoleon partly destroyed this fortification after occupying the city. In the process, a new space around the mighty Hofburg Palace was opened up. This area was styled as a private royal garden for the Habsburg family. Enter the garden via its mighty neoclassical gates and begin your exploration of the tree-lined pathways and pretty plantings.

Wander around the manicured lawns and spot some of the Burggarten’s monuments. Check out the garden’s pond with a fountain at its center. In 1948, the fountain had an 18th-century statue of Hercules fighting a lion added to its stunning display. See a statue of Emperor Franz Joseph I and an equestrian statue of Emperor Franz I. Emperor Franz II was known to work on the garden himself, alongside the court gardener Franz Antoine.

To the southwest of the garden you’ll find a memorial dedicated to Mozart. See a beautiful sculpture dating back to 1896, which depicts the composer on a pedestal surrounded by musical instruments. A variety of plants have been grown in the lawn to form the shape of a musical clef.

Visit the garden’s northeastern edge to find the Palmenhaus (Palm House). This gorgeous glasshouse was designed in the local style of art nouveau, known as Jugendstil. Today, it contains the Schmetterlinghaus, which is a magnificent butterfly enclosure where you can see the exotic insects fly freely. Stop by the Palmenhaus Café to enjoy some refreshments amid the towering palm trees. Look out across the garden from the terrace of the Palm House.

Burggarten is located in Vienna’s historic center on the former grounds of the Hofburg Palace. Entrance to the gardens is free; however, there is an admission charge to visit the butterfly enclosure. The garden is open daily and easily accessible via the city’s light rail system.