Patricia Lake

Spend a fun-filled day at this serene lake, just a short hike from Jasper, and discover the intriguing historical secret that lies beneath its surface.

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies, Patricia Lake is the destination for you. Many outdoor activities are available, whether you want to take to the water or explore the surrounding area. The lake’s remote location has also played a fascinating role in its history, as witnessed by the unique shipwreck hiding beneath its surface.

Follow the gentle 5-kilometre hiking trail from the town of Jasper to Patricia Lake, a scenic attraction in its own right. Pack a picnic so you can rest and refuel at the lakeside, whilst you choose how you will spend the day.

Horse riding is a traditional way to explore the lake’s surroundings, or alternatively you can hire a mountain bike. There is an abundance of local wildlife, and it is a prime spot for bird watching. Keep an eye out for larger residents though – both grizzly and black bears are found in this area.

Fishing is a popular pastime here, with good stocks of both trout and whitefish. The waters are also perfect for canoeing and windsurfing, however it is what lies on the bed of the lake that draws the most interest.

During the Second World War, a plan was conceived to construct an unsinkable aircraft carrier using Pykrete, an innovative composite of water and pulp, frozen to make it buoyant. The top-secret Project Habbakuk saw a model of the craft slowly take shape on the frozen surface of Patricia Lake. Unfortunately, this ultimately failed, and the remnants of the vessel – the wooden hull, cooling pipes and bitumen – sank to the bottom. This wreck is now a renowned scuba-diving site. A plaque has been placed on the lake bed, noting the historical importance of this endeavour.

Just a 30-minute hike northeast of Patricia Lake, you’ll find Pyramid Lake, another scenic stop-off point. The eastern slopes of the towering Pyramid Mountain are perfect for adventurous hikers.

Patricia Lake and Pyramid Lake are both easy to access from Jasper along the network of hiking trails. During the winter, the snow-covered routes are popular with cross-country skiers.